
January, 2017 Wrap Up // What I Read

At the start of the new year, I set myself a brand new Goodreads' reading goal for the year. Last year I tackled my 40 books goal, which might not seem like much for most people, but for me, as a really picky reader, this was a lot. For whatever reason though, I felt like I could up my own game in 2017, and I set my goal at 50 books.

As nervous as I secretly am, I am happy to report that I read 5 books in January, and am currently 2 books ahead of schedule...Only 45 books, and 11 months to go...*nervous chuckling*.

Anyways...After a pretty decent month of reading, here I am, happy to be bringing you my January wrap up!

222997631. "Crooked Kingdoms" by Leigh Bardugo

RATING: ★★★/5/5 
My last read of 2016 was 'Six Of Crows', which I had been meaning to read for literal ages. I finally did, and holy mother of God...it was so good!
Whether you've read this book or not, all I'm going to say is Jesper and Wylan are my babies, and also Kaz Brekker is my son, and no one better touch my thieving and bomb-making little sons, or they'll have me and my cap locks to deal with!

This duology was honestly so entertaining! Once you start, there is literally no going back, because you get so invested with these characters you just have to see them through every fight and battle. 
It was so good, and I adored how this duology wrapped up. Although I'm secretly hoping for a continuation or a spin-off hehehe.


2."The Art of Crash Landing" by Melissa DeCarlo

RATING: ★★★☆/3/5
This one I randomly picked up from the library shelf when the title caught my eye. Like honestly...that's one hell of a title. And it fit the story perfectly too! This book is about a young-woman who's life is in turmoil and she travels to her mother's hometown in an impulse and out of desperation. She ends up finding more than she anticipated in this town, including answers to questions that had kept her restless in her own skin. 

I liked this story well enough. It was relaxing and calming after reading a few fast-action fantasy books. I think I picked this book up at exactly the right time, and it really helped my enjoyment of it. 
The main character was really relatable and the plot was interesting enough that it kept me reading, but it wasn't mind-blowing or heart-breaking the way a five star read would be for me.

268369103. "The Diabolic" by S.J. Kincaid

RATING: ★★★/4/5 
I had my doubts going into this one, just because the concept sounded like it could really easily run into a cliche, so I was quite apprehensive. However, I read it, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. 
It was a cool, YA science-fiction/fantasy, and had some pretty cool scenes and images. 

I liked the concept of the universe in which this story is set in, and mostly, I was really warmed by the underlying message of marginalization that I found in this book. 

You can find my full thoughts, and a thorough review here

265303174. "The Unseen World" by Liz Moore

RATING: ★★★/5/5 
This was my second 5-star read of the year, and it came somewhat as a surprise. I picked this book up knowing only very vague details about the plot. Therefore, I didn't really have many expectations at all, which I feel was the reason why I had such an amazing experience with this book.

This also entailed some important aspects of LGBT+, and the community's experience in 1980s.

It was really engrossing, it pulled me in and didn't let me go till the last page. It broke my heart and put it back together, all while making me feel nostalgic as hell. Overall, it was lovely and I recommend this book to absolutely everyone!

You can find my full thoughts, and a thorough review here

284360395."The Smell Of Other People's Houses" by Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock

RATING: ★★★/4/5
This is another one with great characters who pulled me and had me by my heart strings throughout the whole book. 

I adored the simplicity of this book, and the story that it told. Although it had a slow beginning, in my opinion, it eventually hit the ground running and didn't stop until it wrapped up in a really satisfying and gratifying way. It was so heartwarming and honest, I loved it! 

I would recommend this book to everyone, especially if you're someone who has a few hours to sit down and read it all in one go...I think maybe this book would be enjoyed the most in such manner as it is well-paced and quite short.

You can find my full thoughts, and a thorough review here

That wraps up the list of books that I read in the month of January, 2017. 

Tell me in the comment below what you've been reading this year, and which of the above books caught your eye, or you've fallen in love with previously?
Let me know in the comments bellow. All comments are massively appeciated!

All the love,

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  1. I recently finished Crooked Kingdom and omg I loved it!! I loved the ending and how entertaining, like you said, it was. This duology kept me hooked throughout, which is weird considering I normally don't go for fantasies! Hope you have a great February Sam :)

    1. Yes! There's something about that duology that just keeps you wanting more and more ... And like every now and then I still think about all the caharacters and I am wish to find out what's happened to them since...there is literally always something going on in that world of thieves and spies haha.
      Thank you so much for your comment! -Sam. X

  2. Nice wrap up, I've been dying to read the diabolic and the unseen world sounds amazing as well. I'll have to add that one to my TBR list now. I just finished reading a quiet kind of thunder and it's already one of my new favourite books. Good luck with next months reading!

    1. The diabolical was super entertaining, so I hope you will be reading it soon! Super happy to hear that "The Unseen World" has intrigued you, it's truly fascinating and I'm so happy whenever someone considers reading it. Truly hope you enjoy!
      Thank you so much for your comment! -Sam .x

  3. I really loved Crooked Kingdom-- I read it this month too. SO MUC SASS AND SADNESS and also explosions and surprises. Have you read the other Grisha books? I actually just heard of The Unseen world somewhere else today, and it sounds really interesting, so I"m adding it to my TBR. I love this mini-review format. I read all three Emily books in January, by L.M. Montgomery, and mostly enjoyed them--they're older books about a girl who wants to be a writer.
    Shanti @Virtually Read

    1. Oh and the Grisha trilogy...I tried reading the first book in the series before Six of Crows and found myself super frustrated by the lack of world building and the cliche characters...it night be interesting for someone who hasn't experienced higher fantasy, but for me it felt super flat and so I did not continue with it. However, the author'a writing is so much better and developed in the Six of Crows, which I'm super glad about, and I'm excited to read her future releases!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yes, Crooked Kingdoms didn't give me a second to breathe before it was throwing more things at me to cry and scream about hahaha. It was so enjoyable in that aspect...in my opinion, if a book gets me to do anything other than sit and read with a straight face... That's a good freaking book!
    Oooh the Emily books sound like they might be good! I might check them out.

    Thank you so much for your comment!-Sam .x

  5. Yessss some of my favourite books are on this list! CROOKED KINGDOM IS EVERYTHING AND JESPER AND WYLAN ARE DARLINGS. I nearly wrote Jylan and Wesper.😂😂 Which I suppose in retrospect are good ship names?!?? But they win for cutest ship in the series. and KAZ. KAAAAZ. <3 omg I love him. I only wish he had more POV time.
    I also adored The Smell of Other People's Houses and The Diabolic. Totally agree The Diabolic had such potential to be boringly cliche but it was actually perfect?!? I'm so glad I tried it. :D I'm glad you had such an amazing reading month!

    1. Yass oh my God Wylan and Jesper stole my heart from the very first interaction...their #banter is top notch hahah!!
      The more I think back in The Diabolic, the more I like it and the notion of what it could become as a series! In excited!!
      Thank you so much for your comment! -Sam.x

  6. You had a great reading month! I read 4 books in January, but none of them were 5 star reads, and sadly only 1 4 star and it was a reread. I am hoping I read better books in February! CROOKED KINGDOM IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL BOOK! I really hope that the spinoff continues it as well.

    Glad to see you enjoyed The Diabolic because I have been hesitant to pick it up, but now I am very excited.

    Great post as always!


    1. Thanks Jen! Hoping you're having a better February in terms of reading ("unlike me" i whisper as I gaze at the single short story i've read this month).
      I was hesitant about The Diabolic too, I won't lie, and it was one of those times where I was like 'I bought it, might as well read it' haha. I'm glad I did though, and the more I think back on it, the more I like the concept of it!
      Thank you so much for your comment!
