
FEBRUARY 2017 TBR: I set myself up for inevitable failure....

I can't believe I am already writing this post...January is almost over. 2016 has been dead for almost a month, and 2017 soon won't be the 'newbie'. Maybe I'll soon stop ruining every school copy with my attempts to write down the date, which inevitably goes wrong when I write the wrong year. as if I'd actually want to go back to the hell-hole that was last year haha.

January was quite the wild month, huh? A cheesepuff is now in control of the most powerful country in the world, and it seems to be getting worse by the day. The internet seems to be recycling the same meme materials, and discrimination is still alive and brimming...Fun.

In terms of reading, my month hasn't been either amazingly majestic or embarrassingly disgusting.I have read four books to date, and with the chaos that my life has become with a new term in school, I'm not shaming myself for that.

However, I am still being optimistic and keeping up the good spirits of the brand new year, and stepping up my reading game in February. With a little mid-term in three weeks, and my birthday, I have settled with 6 books on my TBR for the upcoming month.

1. "A List Of Cages" by Robin Roe

25613472I've heard so many beautiful and heartwarming things about this book, and I am super, super excited to experience this for myself. Also the cover...can we talk about how heartwarming that is by itself? It reminds me a little bit of 'Le Petit Prince' (ie: The Little Prince) and that is basically my childhood in a book, so I'm already having warm feelings about this one! :)

2."Wayfarer" by Alexandra Bracken

20983366If there is one thing I don't trust myself with, that's series...Much of my TBR is a graveyard of second and third books in a series that I never read, and which I probably never will...as depressing as that is.
However, I read "Passenger", the first book to this series and I enjoyed it well enough, and the direction in which this second book seems to be going in appealing to me, and the ratings it's getting is quite impressive!

 I am praying the second book syndrome leaves me alone and I will get through this one before it sinks down my TBR to unfathomable depths where it will never be reached again....haha.

3. "Challenger Deep" by Neal Shusterman

18075234Another contemporary that I've heard wonderful and encouraging things about .Also the cover!!!!!

It's focus in mental illness and that's something that I want to explore more in books this year, and get familiar and comfortable with it, as I understand that the world is evolving and people around me are coming forward with their struggles, and every time I wish I understood more about what they were going through and how they were feelings...And books are always a great way to get educate yourself on such specifics.

Therefore, I am looking forward to the experience of this one!

4."Heft" by Liz Moore

11381910In January, I read "The Unseen World" by this author, and it became my first 5-star read! It was engaging, engrossing, thoughtful and beautiful, in story and writing! Therefore, I am hoping these same qualities will be present in Moore's previous work, specifically "Heft", which sounds promising enough!

Hoping I will enjoy it as much as I did the other book by this author, and will be letting you know once I discover for myself!

5."The Light Between Oceans" by M.L. Stedman

13158800This one was recommended by a friend, and after reading the synopsis, I decided to pick it up. It's a romance...which is like...not really usually my thing, but I do like some books in the genre every now and then. For example, I read "Me Before You" by Jojo Moyes last year and it became one my favourite stories ever; so I'm very hesitant to state that I hate romances, because I don't always...sometimes I love them, no matter how cheesy they are.

So I will be reading this one soon, and hoping it will leave me sobbing with a broken heart....that's the best kind of romance for me :D.

6. "Alloy Of Law" by Brandon Sanderson

10803121This one seems completely out of place with the rest of the list, but by the end of February, I want to have started back onto fantasy, and specifically, Brandon Sanderson's fantasy. I read his 'Mistborn' series in 2016, and it was amazing, and it got me obsessed with fantasy!

Although the original 'Mistborn' trilogy concluded with "The Hero of Ages", the world and the magic systems continues on in this book which extends the series to a few more books.

I've been putting it off because I hate to imagine the day when I have experience all that the 'Mistborn' world has to offer, but I definitely don't want to abandon this completely, therefore, it's time, and I will be picking this up at the end of the month. Hopefully, in March, I'll continue the series, and start another by the amazing Brandon Sanderson!

That concludes my TBR for February, 2017. I won't lie, I'm setting myself up for stress here, but as I said, I'm still hopeful and all about positivity, and setting myself a high road seems like the right thing to do.

So, have you read any of the books mentioned above? What are you planning on reading in the coming month? Anyone else has birthdays coming up in February (I'm turning the big 18 myself ahhh!)

Tell me all that below! All comments are so, so appreciated!

All the love,

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  1. I loveddd Challenger Deep! Everything about it, including the cover, was so uniquely crafted and ugh just so beautiful. Hope you love it Sam!

    1. Yes! Thank you so much for bringing my attention to it! The cover is beautiful, and I just remembered it also has some illustrations!! Asddffgh, really excited!!
      Thank you so much for your comment! -Sam .x

  2. These are some great books! I'm dying to read a list of cages, I've seen it everywhere recently! I've never heard of challenger deep before but I love reading about mental illness so this sounds amazing! Great post, I always love seeing what other people want to read!

    1. Yes! I have also seen it everywhere, and I've been dying to get my hands on it since the first time! Super excited to read it; hoping I will love it!
      I'm hoping to read Challenger Deep next, and it does sound amazing, and it also has illustrations which is like....ASSDFGHH!w#$%?$ haha.

      Thank you so much for your comment! -Sam. x

  3. I have boh A List of Cages and Challenger Deep on my TBR list. I can't wait to read those. And I can defintely see The Little Prince with the A List of Cages cover. Awesome post, Sam!
    New Bloglovin follower

  4. Aww thank you! I'm so glad someone else sees The Little Prince cover link. It's so pretty, and it's already making me nostalgic haha. I'm so glad you're reading these books too! I think they're both very important books to read in our world today. Looking forward to seeing how you like them! Thank you so much for your comment!
    -Sam .x

  5. I have A List of Cages on my TBR for the month as well! I have also only managed to read 4 books this month (that is if I can read 60 more pages in the next 2 hours) but with school being insane I am pretty proud of that.

    I haven't read any Brandon Sanderson but I really want to now!
    Great Post,


    1. Yess!!! So many people are reading A List of Cages and it's making me super excited for it! School seems to have been crazy for everyone lately; the weeks after Christmas are horrible haha.

      You should absolutely read Brandon Sanderson at some point! He is a genius, omg I wish I could re-read the first three books of Mistborn series without having previously read it. It's a wild ride, and every second of it is amazing!!

      Thank you so much for your comment! -Sam.x
