
Upcoming Releases 2016 Jul-Dec: 6 Books I'm Anticipating

Hi dear reader!

As shocking as it might be to realize this, we are now halfway through 2016, and the first half of the year saw to some spectacular book releases that we all were very excited to get or hands on and read, and now comes the second half of the year, which promises to be even more colorful with up-coming debuts and releases of books that have me marking my calendar, and ticking off the days.

Last few days I’ve been reading some articles and similar blog posts about upcoming releases, and I have to say, my TBR list has shamelessly grown, but I can’t particularly move myself to worry that much since all of these upcoming books sound so good, and I can’t wait for their releases!

The list of upcoming releases is very long, and they all sound amazing, however, I thought I’d make a list of 6 upcoming books – one for every month. This way, I’ll maintain a piece of sanity and not go crazy with book-buying every month, and I’ll keep myself out of that book slump by attempting to read too much.

So, for the coming 6 months, I plan to read at least one new release each month, and I’ve somehow managed to narrow the list down to the 6 books that I’m most excited about, and so here it is!


 “The Killer In Me” by Margot Harrison

Genres: Young Adult, Mystery, Thriller, Horror, Contemporary
Release Date: July 12th 2016

Goodreads / BookDep. (Affiliate)
“Seventeen year old Nina is not a killer, but she dreams vividly of one every night. Nina comes to know everything about the murderer in her dreams through the disturbing connection, and with the help of a former friend, Nina tracks down the murderer that only she knows about. Nina overcomes two thousand miles with the intentions of stopping him, but the reality she meets is not the same as her dreams had shown her.”

As an absolute crime and mystery junkie, I am absolutely bouncing in my seat with anticipation for this release. To me, it sounds like the perfect crime thriller, and I love the concept of the dream connection and things going awry – IT SOUNDS SO GOOD, and I can just wait it out and hope that it will make me as happy as I think it will!


“Unscripted Joss Byrd” by Lygia Day Peñaflor

Genres: Young Adult, Contemporary
Release Date: August 23rd 2016

Goodreads / BookDep. (Affiliate)
“Joss Byrd is America's most celebrated young actress, but on the set of her latest project, a gritty indie film, Joss's life is far from glamorous. While struggling with her mother's expectations, a crush on her movie brother, and a secret that could end her career, Joss must pull off a performance worthy of a star. When her renowned, charismatic director demands more than she is ready to deliver, Joss must go off-script to stay true to herself.”

Oh my god, this one I am honestly buzzing for! It sounds like the perfect contemporary, with a light humorous side to it but also deep character and emotion exploration and I cannot wait to read this author’s debut! Sounds very, very promising!


“A Song to Take the World Apart” by Zan Romanoff

Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy, Contemporary, Magical Realism
Release Date: September 13th 2016

Goodreads / BookDep. (Affiliate)
“Lorelei grows up in a household that has music and singing forbidden, but when she gets older and rebellious, she meets Chris, and she can’t stop herself from immersing in music. And as she starts exploring the power her family never wanted her to discover, influencing Chris and everyone around her, the foundations of Lorelei’s life start to crumble. There’s a reason the women in her family never want to talk about what their voices can do…”

Sounds very interesting, and for once I’m actually drawn to the magical realism because of the whole singing powers concept. Sounds like an easy, one-sitting read, perfect for September!


“Gemina” (The Illuminae Files #2) by Amy Kaufman, Jay Kristoff

Genres: Young Adult, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Dystopia
Release Date: October 18th 2016

Goodreads / Book Dep. (Affiliate)
“The sci-fi saga that began with the breakout bestseller Illuminae continues on board the Jump Station Heimdall, where two new characters will confront the next wave of the BeiTech assault.Hanna is the station captain’s pampered daughter; Nik the reluctant member of a notorious crime family. But while the pair are struggling with the realities of life aboard the galaxy’s most boring space station, little do they know that Kady Grant and the Hypatia are headed right toward Heimdall, carrying news of the Kerenza invasion.”

Oh man, yes! I absolutely loved the first book, and this one sounds even better! I love the concept of main new characters that connect with the first book’s heroes (I blame Marissa Meyer and her Lunar Chronicles), and I cannot wait to see where the story goes. Also this is like 600 pages so I’m already mourning the homework I won’t do because I’ll be stuck in this book.

(NOTE: this is me already cheating, but "Replica" by Lauren Oliver also comes out in October, and I am almost as excited for it as I am for "Gemina" but decided to go for the above since it's part of a series, but I am very interested in Lauren Oliver's new book, and I hear it also has a really cool format so I'm super excited!)


“Heartless” by Marissa Meyer

Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy, Retelling
Release Date: November 8th 2016

Goodreads / Book Dep. (Affiliate)
“Long before she was the terror of Wonderland — the infamous Queen of Hearts — she was just a girl who wanted to fall in love. An “Alice In The Wonderland” retelling with a character who seeks love in a hopeless place”

OH YES, OH BLOODY YES. Here is Marissa Meyer herself, the woman I have to blame for my unquenchable thirst for fairy-tale retelling (there’s just something about them??), and this one doesn’t sound like it’s going to disappoint and it’s another 5 months but I’m already preparing myself for the FEELS! Marissa Meyer, I love you!


 “Girls in the Moon” by Janet McNally

Genres: Young Adult, Contemporary
Release Date: November 29th 2016

Goodreads / Book Dep. (Affiliate)
“A story of a family; of future and past. Told in alternating perspectives, it is a story of a fractured family of musicians and poets. Phoebe’s parents are both ex-members of a rock band, and her older sister Luna seems to be following in their footsteps. A mother who won’t tell full truths, and a father who won’t tell anything, since he stopped calling three years ago, and Phoebe, who on her visit to her sister in New York, tries to find her own identity and how she fits into the family of poets”

This one is already gripping my heart! I can already imagine myself reading this by crackling fire in December, with the Christmas decorations probably up and a cup of hot chocolate…Oh YES. I’m already so in love with the idea of this book, the self and family exploration, the hurt and the broken pieces and the family of poets’ story line, it just rings so interesting to me! Looking forward to this one a lot!


And that concluded my list of top 6 books I cannot wait for!

Now tell me, what did I miss? What upcoming releases made your list, and which of the above seized your interest? Let me know all that in the comments below!

All the love,
Samanta xxx

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  1. Oh wow, I hadn't even realised we're half way through the year *looks at what happened to the last month, then remembers exams*! Hopefully the second half will be filled with more great books :D starting with The Killer in Me that has caught my interest. Heartless is easily my most anticipated, so I can't wait! Happy reading
    Enchanted by YA

    1. Oh my God don't even say, I honestly don't know what's happened to the last 6 months! The Killer In Me sounds sooo good I love the whole concept! There's solid 5+ months standing between me and a new Marissa Meyer book, honestly don't know how I'll survive...I keep telling myself every two days to be productive and NOT reread the Lunar Chronicles but ya know when times get tough you gotta do what you gotta do haha.
      Thanks for the comment, and happy reading to you too :)!

  2. But I don't want to be halfway through the year...! Nooooo
    I think I *need* to start reading Marissa Meyer. I'm actually really excited for Heartless too. All of these look so good. I just want to buy all the books, you know?
